Global Health Equity Award
The Global Health Equity award is presented annually by the Indiana University Center for Global Health Equity. In support of the mantra, "walking together, walking far," the award recognizes people who have made significant contributions to the field of global health by demonstrating a commitment to equity, responding to the needs of a population or community and providing long-term engagement and partnership through their global health work.
Award recipients can come from any field impacting global health including medicine, public health, social science, journalism, law and education. IUCGHE will request nominations from the IUCGHE Advisory Council and provide an open nomination form on the website.
The inaugural recipient in 2023 was Dr. Roger I. Glass, global health pioneer and former director of the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health.
The award recipient will participate in the annual Indiana University Global Health Scholars Day and will be a keynote speaker (typically in May).
Award prize: up to $1500